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"Forget it Mom! I am not going to college, I am staying in NY to work with Larry!" That was the moment Ken Rada Photography was born.
It was not without much careful thought and maybe a hint of teenage rebellion that Ken blurted that statement. It was sometime in 1989 between high school graduation and the start of college. OK, it was closer to the start of college, a few days before move in day, or so, when Ken decided to skip going off to a University in PA and become a professional photographer. As you may guess, the parents were not all that thrilled about the idea, however, they believed in him and knew he would work hard at it to make it work. They also knew Ken was lucky to be apprenticing with one of the best wedding photographers in NYC at that time, that was Larry.
Ken enjoyed shooting in NYC, Long Island, CT... attending grand weddings and other events with Larry and eventually additional influential photographer mentors like Jay Seth. In 1995 Ken moved to Atlanta to be close to his family that had all moved from NY in the early 90's. In Atlanta, Ken continued his photography career and eventually branched out to specialize in family and child portraiture. In 1996, Ken visited Destin,FL for the first time to photograph a destination wedding on the emerald coast. Since then has been splitting time between Atlanta and Destin. Ken now resides in Flowery Branch, GA with wife Leslie and three children Jacob, Josh and Reece, but for about 4 to 5 months out of the year Ken still "works" at he beach and stays in Destin.
When recently asked what Ken loves most about being a photographer, he said "It is not any one thing, it's the ongoing journey that constantly puts me in front of so many new people in mostly beautiful, unique places. For that short time, I get to learn a little bit about my subjects, we have fun, laugh, and take some pictures. It really never gets boring"
Ken likes to mix up the locations and types of photography he does throughout the year so he simply changes with the seasons.
Summer time is beach time and Ken packs up the 44" printer and heads to Destin, FL from May to September offering family beach portrait sessions, reunions, and of course, weddings. Since most sessions are in the evenings he spends his days creating very large custom canvases. "Some of the most fun I have is personally delivering canvases to clients when they are still on vacation, it's like Christmas morning every time!"
September arrives and it is time to get busy with the fall season of school photography at various private and public schools in the Atlanta area. It is also the busiest family portrait season in the Atlanta area with. Each weekend in the fall is filled with going to various locations that showcase Atlana's vibrant autumn season.
Late fall brings on the rush of the Christmas when Ken and Santa himself start making their rounds to exclusive country clubs and private venues for the Ultimate Santa Experiece Photo Sessions. It's also a great time for family reunions in Atlanta or for a photo session by your own Christmas Tree!
In January and February Ken enjoys photographing in the studio at his home in Flowery Branch, GA and at his client's homes offering "lifestyle" portrait sessions. Since it's the least busy time of year in terms of photography volume, you can find Ken taking short breaks from shooting to do his home and studio improvements, getting the outdoor studio primed in time daffodil blooms in early March and tinkering on the old Chevy Avalanche in the garage.
Spring time gets crazy busy again as it is time for the real live bunny portraits for Easter at the outdoor studio. The bunnies also go on road trips all around the Atlanta area. This is also the time of year that Ken likes to do senior pictures the most. Ken believes as the seniors near they tend to mature a bunch and are far more "seniorish" than at the beginning of their senior year.
In addition to the seasonal sessions Ken offers he is also available year round for private events, corporate events, head shots, homes and interiors, properties, homecomings, newborns, proposals, engagements... you name it, Ken shoots it. On top of it all, Ken still enjoys the thrill of wedding photography, where it all began way back when he declared he was going to stay home and work with Larry! Thanks Larry!

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